Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Quiet Desperation

Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.
Henry David Thoreau

I actually get excited when I start feeling that desperation. It creeps up on you and all the sudden it's there and you wonder how you got so far down that road. Then I begin to muse over the possibilities...

The musing leads to wonderful adventures
Big ones like Medical School

and Ireland

Friday, December 10, 2010

Bucket List

I've started a "foreseeable future" bucket list
  • Climb Maple Canyon
  • Go water skiing - get up slalom
  • Take a Spanish class
  • Live in a Latin American Country
  • Go to a Masquerade ball

That's all I've got so far - its finals week
But here are some pictures of the past little while

First snow! yeah I was excited!

I get out of work as the sun is setting and there have been some pretty amazing sunsets.

Sledding up at Alta - EPIC (I just like to use that word).

My dad painted this for me!

Another sunset.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Absolute Greatness of my Weekend!

Happy Halloween!

I got home from work on Friday to these two. (My roommate Andrea and her friend Danielle). They convinced me to come get those attractive mustaches with them. So of course I had to dress up. Costume #1 Punk Rocker

Second party of the night I changed into my unfinished Peter Pan costume. I went dancing with pins holding it together! It was so fun, really I just got to be myself, plus a little added craziness!
Sadly I was reminded too late that night that I had wanted to be Flock of Seagulls! almost had it on accident though! have to find some other occasion.

After the dance party we watched The Others. I didn't get to bed until 2:30. I woke up at 7am to go to the Hot Pots up Spanish Fork Canyon. It filled my soul! and I was with more people that I could just be myself with!

Then comes the real party! Meet Captain Kirk, The Queen of Hearts and Peter Pan!

Also meet a Baseball Junky and my little Leprechaun!

Captain Kirk was the life of the party! as usual!

This weekend went far better than I had planned or even expected. I was excited and filled! Hope you had a great Halloween!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall is definitely here!

And finally my rockin' outfit...
aviator glasses with matching jacket, skinny jeans and zebra heals!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mary's Wedding

My cousin Mary got married so my sister came into town. So we got time with the nephews!

And the Cousins. We were a bit hungry so Jane got us a chunk of cheese that we downed!

Yeah we're just crazy!

My nephew Kaden loves me!

Mary and Steed coming out of the Temple.

My nephew Tanner has the creepy laugh that is actually quite hilarious. Mary is the only one who can get him to do it.
(sorry I still haven't figured out that i can't turn my camera when i take video!)

smatterings of life.

Katie is an awesome cake decorator! She made a "Rainy Day" cake for Paulette's bridal shower! Those are little chocolate umbrellas on the cake!

My best friend Sierra and her husband came into town! We played fĂștball -aka soccer.

Ate the first pumpkin pie of the season! It made me so happy!

and she helped me with my Biology!

Later that weekend I got to jam on an electric Violin!